How to RE-TREAT yourself properly!


You ALWAYS work hard! But are you happy? Screw 6am alarms! You finally made the decision to take some time out so why on earth would you get up at the same time as on a random workday??

I hear you! This was my first Re-Treat experience, in fact I tell you a few other horror stories, just keep reading on!

In a nutshell, let’s be honest it’s hard enough to take time off, get away from overflowing to-do’s, book a trip and actually get yourself on that plane to get to the long dreamt about destination!

Learn more about Nina's RE-TREAT


You’ve booked your RE-TREAT getaway and you can’t wait to properly relax!

But hang on, you are just reviewing what’s on for the next few days and realize that the schedule is pretty much set up with back to back (no, not work meetings thank god) but so called self-care practices.

You just realized that the first mediation is at 6:15am and that every evening you have a yoga nidra scheduled just before you hit the pillow.

This was my experience and on top of that I was starving half the time thanks to the so-called detox diet that’s meant to make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Um, no thanks, I don’t want to be hungry whilst I’m RE-TREATing!


Eeek! You thought that this is what you needed but really it’s not what you TRULY needed!

Where’s the yummy food, relaxation, time for connection, time to explore, time to reflect on your life and um, your happiness?

I walked away from my first retreat feeling thankful that I’ve made some time for myself but I definitely didn’t feel refreshed or happier.

After A LOT of research I realized that most retreats were set up in this yoga/meditation style and that there are pretty much no retreats out there that offer YOU to call the shots.

I felt this urge to create a re-treat where you could sleep in and create your schedule on a daily basis depending on how you’d be feeling.

After searching and searching I found a re-treat to go on where I could create my schedule and didn’t have to get up at 6am! THIS WAS IT!

I loved it!

I actually did!

Learn more about Nina's RE-TREAT

Since the day I left that retreat I’ve been dreaming about running my own retreats. Creating the space and offering likeminded women the time to tune in with themselves, explore, reconnect but most importantly reflect on their lives and happiness.

RE-TREATing properly means to RE-TREAT yourself like a queen!

Nina Egenberger
Nina Egenberger
