Oooooh- I don’t know about you but I cannot wait until Xmas.
It’s what this time of the year represents rather than the gifts involved and the hype about Christmas…
It’s about spending time with people I care about, getting a break, relaxing and most importantly letting go a little bit.
But here’s where the problem is and I’m sure that as much as you’re looking forward to Christmas right now you’re a little worried about the extra KG’s you’ll gain in the process…
There’s not only Xmas, it’s also all the parties & socializing before hand right?
Now I’ll be the last one to tell you not to do any of these fun things BUT I will tell you how YOU can counteract the upcoming shenanigans.
Here are my top 5 tips on how to keep the weight off between now and the New Year! (And by all means please enjoy yourself and have a good time!)
Tip 1: Be smart about your food!
Function food such as canapés and alcohol are generally high in calories.
Imagine you had a bucket every day and you can fill the bucket up with calories but it’s up to you how you fill it.
Obviously you want to eat healthy and eat lots of nutritious food but if you choose canapés and drinks to fill up some of that bucket there won’t be as much room for other food.
Ways to counteract canapé and alcohol calories are:
Tip 2: Get your ass of the couch whenever you can, meaning don’t stop training!
Do you find yourself not training or training a lot less throughout the Xmas and New Years period?
What are strategies you can implement to keep up your exercise?
Tip 3: Commit to minimal activity every single day and keep yourself accountable for it
It’s easy to forget about the basics.
You can achieve so much by maintaining basics such as eating well, meeting daily activity levels and drinking enough water.
If you’re busy and constantly running out of time, ask yourself how you can move enough each day?
E.g. can you do an extra walk first thing in the morning? ….
Tip 4: Stop thinking ‘all or nothing’ something is ALWAYS better than nothing!
This tip is self-explanatory.
If you’re thinking all or nothing you will return back to the starting line over and over again.
If you can’t do what you usually do, what is it that you CAN do?
Something is always better than nothing!
Tip 5: Set goals for now and the New Year so you take action now and once the New Year starts.
What can you commit to now that sets you up for success? What action steps are you taking and when will you take them?
The power of writing down goals is incredible. When you put things down on paper it changes the dynamic. Thoughts become goals once they’re black on white.
Once you’ve written them down hang them up where you can see them.
Nina Egenberger