I always struggle to get enough bone broth into my diet in summer as I don't fancy eating hot soup when it's 30' outside.
I thought I should try a gazpacho soup. It's not traditional to add in stock but I simply replaced some of the tomato juice with broth. The end result was amazing. I really love this recipe.
It's perfect for a light lunch, afternoon tea or as an entree.
250g cucumber (peeled & chopped)
200g capsicum (chopped)
600g tomatoes (chopped)
100ml olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp lime juice
1 cup broth (chicken or beef stock)
1 cup passata
salt, pepper to taste
fresh basil to serve
2 tsp ground cumin
optional: 1/4 tsp asafoetida (if you tolerate onion & garlic you can use them instead)
blend the cucumbers in a high speed blender and pour into a large bowel
blend the tomatoes together with the capsicum, broth and asafoetida. Pour into the bowel
add all remaining ingredients: olive oil, vinegar, lime, passata, cumin, salt & pepper and stir in well
Eat immediately or chill in refrigerator
Serve gazpacho soup with finely chopped basil leaves on top
Nina Egenberger