Dream big! Where is the motivation?

Do you lack in motivation to keep pushing on, to keep pursuing your big fitness goals, to become the best version of yourself?
Motivation is never a constant, it requires work, vision and persistence to be & stay motivated.
It doesn't just happen to some people that they keep pushing on hard and others are unlucky to not feel that drive.
You have to create that motivation and drive!
Where does it come from?
1.) You need to know where you are headed
"Losing 5kg" is not a true goal. It doesn't result in feeling excited or wanting to work towards something specific. Ask yourself how you want to feel, look & be and how this will impact all other areas of life on a daily basis.
If you don't feel excitement/ drive thinking about the outcome in all areas then rethink. Dream big!
2.) Visualise
One of the most powerful tools to stay motivated is to visualise your goals being achieved right now. How do you look? How do you feel? What will have changed for you? The more you visualise the easier it will be to keep up the motivation.
3.) Self belief 
Do you actually believe you can achieve your goals/ dreams?
If you don't who is going to do it for you?
This is a work in progress.
It's like a wave. One day you feel like you can conquer the world and the next day you feel like you will never get where you want to be.
Don't get stuck there.
Look at all the small things you have achieved and build on that.
Small achievements build confidence.
Believe in yourself & dream big!

Nina Egenberger
Nina Egenberger
